Celebrate Samhain in The Haunting Town of Youghal!
30th & 31st October 2024
Join us for an unforgettable journey into the heart of Halloween. We ARE Halloween centre – home of this ancient Celtic Festival.

Designed by modern-day practising witches for those participants seeking a more magical and authentic celebration, this festival offers a unique and blended experience encompassing serious contemplation, fun and spookiness.
Interesting Fact: Youghal is one of only four towns in Ireland with the history of a witchcraft trial.

Festival Highlights:
- On the hauntingly beautiful Mall Beach, witness a captivating ritual performed by practitioners of the ancient arts, blending old traditions with the new.
- Dive into the supernatural realm with magical workshops and engaging talks – a must for all ages.
- Join the Grim Reaper as he leads an ethereal parade through the town.
- Explore the “Puca Gallery” and meet the spirits of the canvas.
- Who killed Florence Newton, the Witch of Youghal? Follow the evidence as we delve into the trial transcripts.
- In a beautiful reunion, “An Bhean Uisce” walks amongst her beloved witches as we listen to her story.