We Are Halloween Central

If you’re looking for ‘ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggedy beasties’ this Halloween, and you’re keen to get the family goosebump-ready for plenty of chills and thrills – you couldn’t be in a better place than Youghal!

Halloween in Medieval Youghal takes place over the Bank Holiday Weekend at the end of October and is a celebration of the Celtic tradition of ‘Samhain’ (pronounced ‘sah-win’). For three days and nights, the town comes alive and offers your family a distinct experience never to be forgotten.

What’s It All About?

One of the Celtic Fire Festivals, Samhain marks the end of the summer and welcomes the darker half of the year: a time reach in meaning and myths. In the 19th Century, some believed Samhain was the Celtic New Year and it was seen as a magical twilight place between summer and winter. At this time, a threshold would open allowing the spirit world to walk through and enter the physical world. People left offerings of food and drink for the travellers, and it was believed the souls of the dead would visit those they had left behind. This mystical night would welcome divination and folk-magic and costumes were worn. Some believe this is the origins of ‘Trick-or-Treating’.

What Happens In Youghal At Halloween?

The custom of Samhain continues to this day with Youghal’s magnificent Halloween Festival – the Youghaloween Spooktacular. It’s a modern celebration that combines all the lore and magic of ancient traditions and introduces new and exciting elements to enchant and fascinate your family today.

The Festival’s main event takes place on the Mall Beach with a display of ancient Celtic tradition unique to Youghal at this time of the year and spread over two evenings. The town puts on an impressive display of fireworks and fires which the whole family will love, and everyone gets in the spirit.

Here Are Some Weekend Highlights:

Take the kids Trick or Treating – where hundreds of youngsters dress up as their favourite character and knock on doors in the hope of being gifted treats! Always exciting!

See the Witches Walk – a unique tradition which sees younger school children dressing up and walking with their teachers through the town centre, showing off their costumes and gathering treats as they go. This usually takes place on the last Friday before school finishes for mid-term break and is a magically joyous event.

The whole family will love spooky storytelling by candlelight.

Explore the fine food, crafts and fabulous atmosphere of the town’s Halloween market.

Kids will love ‘enrolling’ in the local School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to learn lots of magical spells and potions.

Take a Guided Haunted Happening Tour around Youghal and learn about the town’s supernatural history – from ghost ships to banshees.

Enjoy all the fun of the Children’s Halloween Party, with plenty of games, fun and prizes for all.

“Join us in the haunting setting of the Mall Beach as the witches and the ravens say a beautiful farewell to An Bhean Uisce (The Woman of the Water) as she returns to the Otherworld where she will work on the hopes and dreams of the people of Youghal.”